2016 Spring Workshop

Weave Evidence-Based Practices into Your Teaching of Writing

Spring Workshop
Saturday, May 7, 2016
8:30 AM to 3:00 PM EDT
Sheraton Framingham Hotel and Conference Center
1657 Worcester Road
Framingham, Massachusetts 01701


Presented by Leslie Laud
Common Core offers an unprecedented broad vision for the role of writing in overall literacy development, particularly in supporting reading comprehension and critical thinking. Prepare your students to write to express who they are, write to sources, write to learn in all content areas and write to change the world and who they are. Over 100 empirical studies show the effectiveness of various strategies featured in this workshop such as SRSD (Self-regulated Strategy Development). Every district using these have made significant gains on MCAS and PARCC, as well as significantly boosting student enjoyment and love of writing. These strategies include teaching: text type vocabulary, formative assessments, graphic organizers, analyzing models, think alouds, collaborative writing, mnemonics, goal setting, and use of self-talk while writing. Overall, enable students to cultivate the self-regulation capabilities expert writers use. Weave these into any literacy framework from balanced literacy workshop models to core programs, or use them as stand alone writing instruction. Gain a deep understanding of how to meet CCSS and PARCC/SBAC’s writing requirements. Grades 2-5.

Contact: Pam Hook

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