Other Resources

Other Resources

If your community would like to learn more about dyslexia, contact us regarding three presentations that MABIDA board members can offer:
  1. Red Flags for Identifying Struggling Readers
  2. Understanding Dyslexia
  3. Neuroscience of Dyslexia

 To learn more, email us at massbranchida@gmail.com or call 617-650-0011.

The IDA maintains a referral list of resources in Massachusetts. This includes specialists who provide testing, educational therapy and tutoring, as well as community-based support groups for parents and individuals with dyslexia.

To access information in your area, email us at massbranchida@gmail.com or call 617-650-0011.

Listed below are links to some local and national resources including web pages that might provide useful information.

This information is provided as a resource for people seeking additional information about dyslexia, learning disabilities and related issues. Please note that the linked sites are not under the control of the IDA. Accordingly, the IDA is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites. the IDA is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by the IDA of the site.

We recommend that you close the window for each web site prior to opening a new resource web site link.

Aidan Colvin is 16 years old and wrote a book with his mother’s support chronicling the year he wrote to 100 successful individuals with dyslexia, asking for advice. View his story (https://vimeo.com/189471142), read about it in the NYTimes (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/08/well/family/jay-lenos-advice-for-my-dyslexic-son.html), or purchase the book on Amazon, or visit his website (http://www.dyslexic-kids.org).

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